Heidarvatn – So Much Beauty!

Iceland is a mecca for fly fishing with the downside that it has become a bit crowded in recent years. But there are still places off the beaten track.


Norwegian Nugget – Aurland 292

If you ask any Atlantic salmon angler about their favourite place to pursue this majestic fish, Norway is certainly going to be high up on their list.


Fly Fishing the (Wild) River Lech

We set out to explore the upper reaches of the river Lech in Stanzach, Austria. Here the river is still young and can find its course in a natural riverbed. 


Max Natmessnig: Top Chef and Fly Fisherman

If fly fishing has taught me one thing in life it’s that it’s a great way to meet special people. The latest addition to my circle of fly fishing friends is Max Natmessnig. 


Fi(nni)sh Quarantine in Finnmark

In a year of lockdowns across Europe planning a week ahead is rather difficult. Imagine six friends who want to travel to Russia in June.


Steelhead fishing Washington

Forks is a scruffy town of 3,800 people named for three steelhead fly fishing rivers which join outside town: the Sol Duc, the Calawah and the Bogachiel.


Namaycush at 7,500 ft in the Swiss Alps

The midsummer period is a beautiful time to fish in many regions of the Northern hemisphere. For example Switzerland, where high alpine lakes hold populations of Namaycush.


Fly Fishing New Zealand on a Budget

Trips into the New Zealand backcountry give you the opportunity to turn months of planning into some of the most outstanding moments you will ever experience.


Giant Browns of the Bay of Plenty

I heard them well before I saw them – big splashy thuds as they launched at the iron bars of their cage, desperately trying to break out of the cunning trap so as to continue their urgent way up the small stream.


Rainforest Steelhead Fishing

The Olympic Peninsula in western Washington is home to big rain, big trees and big fish. Steelhead thrive on rivers like the Sol Duc, Calawah, the Bogachiel, the Hoh, the Queets and the Quinault.
